неділя, 25 травня 2014 р.

Hi There,

Following the Russian president's inhuman activities regarding Russian-speaking people outside the Russia, taking into consideration the fact that this COMPLETELY technical blog could be "RESCUED" by Russian troops, I have made a decision to continue writing in English only. Thus, all new records will be posted in English. Not only the blog will be protected but also the audience will be widened.

Let me introdude the topics, which are going to be covered in the near future:
1. OpenWRT performance and stability tuning (crontab, firewall, network);
2. Outside IPTV broadcasting setup;
3. aria2c download manager setup;
4. adding the FS to install programs there;
5. and more.

P.S. I am sorry for big delays. The blog is going to be continued.

Thank you for the time spent on this site. I hope it is helful somehow.

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